Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Planting Strawberries in a Hanging Planter

We finally planted strawberries. I know it's a little late to do so, but we really wanted to use strawberries in a hanging planter this year, knowing that we (read: I) are not good at keeping flowers in hanging planters alive. Somehow edibles are more my forte.

My original plan was to get alpine strawberries, which are a small and tasty variety that is good for container plants. They didn't have those, so we went for a bushy variety of strawberry, the Tristan, which should suit the hanging planter well. It will also provide some pretty flowers.

First I put rocks in the bottom of the planter I bought the other day at Lowe's. I do this with all my containers to allow for better drainage.

Rocks at the bottom of the hanging planter

Then I added the soil ... looks a little like a pie from the top, doesn't it?

Soil in the hanging planter

Then I added the strawberry plant, which should fill this planter out nicely if the measurements prove to be correct - 12 inches tall needing up to 20-24 inches of space.

strawberry plant in hanging planter

After watering it, I hung it up in its new home on the south side of our deck, hanging near our three columnar aspens! The strawberries should get the sun they need there, more than six hours a day. I think it looks great.

Strawberries in hanging planter

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