Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What Are Those Tiny Red Mites Hanging Out with My Coleus?

I've got fading coleus leaves and red spider mites. These tiny, tiny red bugs are hanging out on my raised flower bed where my two coleus plants are not exactly thriving. (They are growing, just much more slowly than I had anticipated.)

So what do I do about those spider mites? According to this website, the poppy-seed sized red mites thrive when humidity is low and can be controlled by cleaning the leaves, increasing humidity near the plants (not sure how that is accomplished outside!) or spraying the leaves with a soap spray. I think I'll start with the latter.

As for the fading color of my red coleus leaves, I may have over-fertilized. Or the sun exposure is affecting it. The jury's still out, but because it is still growing, I'm not going to worry yet!

fading red coleus leaves
Fading red coleus leaves ...

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