Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My fly-fishing adventure ... minus the fish

In an attempt to say yes more often, I decided to go for it this weekend when our friends asked if we wanted to go fly-fishing. I donned some rented waders, and with a borrowed rod went to Moraine Park in the Rocky Mountain National Park to learn to fly-fish in the creek there. At first, casting was difficult. I kept getting the line tangled. But I eventually caught on, and successfully cast without fear of scaring any fish away.

A severe case of over-seasoning: I've got to find a balance!

In the time I've not been blogging, I've kept trying new things in the kitchen, consistent with my goal to learn to cook. While I used to have a severe case of under-seasoning, which I thought I had fixed, I'm now fighting with too much seasoning.

Mostly, everything's ending up much too salty.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Banana bread with honey - Yum!

This one's for you Dad ... I'm finally back, and writing about the oh-so-exciting topic of banana bread. I have had a very difficult time as of late making anything that tastes great. I have gone through a spell of over-seasoning (as opposed to my previous problem of under-seasoning...), so I was pleasantly surprised when my banana bread, using this recipe from the Food Network, turned out well. Especially considering I'm not much of a baker.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And I'm back.

Where have I been for the past month + ? Well, I haven't been blogging. The good news however is that I did not stop trying new things in the kitchen. The bad news is that I didn't do much of anything else. Even my mountain biking has suffered.

The next few days, I'll post some cooking posts, as well as an update on where I am with my 40 by 40 goals. Perhaps I'll even add a few, since I don't exactly have 40 on my list yet.

Here's to catching up ...