Friday, May 31, 2013

How to Store Freshly Harvested Lettuce

I found a nifty little tutorial on how to store the lettuce I harvest from my garden. You can read it here from Pinch My Salt. It definitely works. 

First I put the fresh lettuce in a big bowl of cold water, and then rinse each leaf individually after taking it out of the bowl.

storing lettuce
Beautiful! I love all the colors that come out of my garden.

I spin it in my handy salad spinner, which I use every day now. Ours is from Oxo, and it works great.

storing lettuce

And then as the blog recommended, I wrap the lettuce in a paper towel and put it in a Zip-loc bag.

storing lettuce

So far, this has resulted in crisp lettuce that lasts several days, which is nice, because I can make a big harvest of lettuce and prep it for several days worth of lunches.

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