Friday, July 15, 2011

Shots from the Trail: Hall Ranch

Just a few photos I took with my cell phone (which is all too often doubling as a camera these days on the trail) when we rode Hall Ranch. This is only a very small sampling of the trail. It was one of those stormy days, so the clouds were pretty cool. Hall Ranch, for those who don't know, is near Lyons, CO, which is at Hwy 36 and 66, and at the gateway to the mountains.

We always ride the switchbacks of the Antelope trail up rather than Bitterbrush, which includes the rock garden. I'm fairly certain at this point that I have the skills technically to tackle at least part of the rock garden, but we just haven't done so yet. We stick with what's comfortable ...

typical view of Antelope - rocky, switchbacky goodness. not much fun on the way down. I still haven't figured out how to effectively navigate tight switchbacks when rolling down a hill.

At the top of Antelope, a bench beckons for a bit of rest before heading up the remaining 3+ miles of the hill. Going forward, the trail is even less technical, and is my favorite trail for downhills. One day we will get a video up.

The trail from the top of Antelope continues and narrows into singletrack once again, and after a quick downhill, is uphill for the remaining first half of the trail.

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