Monday, June 27, 2011

Mango chicken: A fitting use of a fruit I love

I have never cooked with mango. In fact, I would venture to say I had never purchased a mango until this past week.

The fact I had mangoes was because I have been trying to incorporate more fruit and vegetables into my diet, per my decision to try to follow the new MyPlate guidelines as much as possible. This is also part of my learning how to cook, a 40 by 40 goal

So I went grocery shopping, and this is what I came home with: Veggies Galore.

And I'm happy to say that I have eaten most of them. But I have yet to find a use for the butternut squash in the back. I think I will tackle that tomorrow.

Tonight I decided to use the mangoes. But I didn't want to go to the store. I already had chicken. So I did a quick search for mango chicken, and it turns out that there is a simple solution for my laziness.

I cooked two salt-, pepper- and garlic-seasoned chicken breasts (about 1 lb.) in a pan on the stovetop, added about a quarter cup low sodium soy sauce after the chicken had mostly cooked through, let it simmer and then added chunks of two mangoes. (Confession: I ate some of the mango fresh. Yum!)

I let the chicken simmer about 8-10 minutes with the mango. That may have been too long, as the chicken was a little dry. But it was still delicious. The sweetness of the mango was a perfect match to the chicken. I also added some frozen peas to the mix, which was good, and served it with brown rice.

I anticipate more mango this summer. Perhaps I'll try a mango salsa. Anyone have any good recipes they can recommend?

1 comment:

  1. I have a GREAT mango salsa recipe:
    2 mangoes (or is that mangos?) ripe cubed (I like a small dice)
    1 jalapeno pepper,minced.(seed and devein to keep mild or leave some in for heat)
    2 Tbsp red bell pepper, diced
    1 Tbsp fresh lime juice
    1 Tbsp olive oil
    Pinch of kosher salt and fresh ground pepper.
    Mix all ingredients and chill. Then bring to room temp to serve.
    This is great with chips (natch), fish, shrimp, chicken....wwe love it... (I usually use more bell pepper and lime.....) Jenn
