Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Suffering from a severe case of under-seasoning

I have had so much steak in the past month or so, and while I recognize a regular diet of steak is not necessarily a great idea, I do love a good steak. It's the Nebraskan in me. But I apparently suffer from a severe case of under-seasoning. I watched my brother season some steaks this weekend when I was in Nebraska for a mini-vacation, and he – the king of cooking meat – seasoned those steaks like mad.

I had no idea that that would not be too much.

He covered each steak with each of the following seasonings, let the steaks sit for several hours, and then followed that up with a steakhouse marinade from a bottle. And then we – or rather he - grilled.

I did not take a picture of the final steaks, but they were fabulous.

Leading up to dinner, we all enjoyed some peach wine that my husband and I picked up on our honeymoon … from Colorado Cellars Winery.

For some reason I did not know if it would keep for nearly two years, but of course it had. It was delicious. I am not a huge fan of sweet wines, but this peach wine is perfect with a mild cheese in the summer. We bought it after a day of riding our bikes around to all of the wineries around Palisade. (Here's a New York Times article about biking around Colorado's wine country.) A word of warning: The path from winery to winery is much longer than it looks on a map. I'd recommend only riding part of it. Some photos from that journey:

Photo taken while fixing my flat tire at Colorado Cellars, where we returned to the
following day and bought the peach wine and a few other wines ...

Our take, which was drunk during the rest of the week.

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