Monday, February 3, 2014

A Resolution a Week: Week 5 - 20 Sit-Ups a Day

Every night, I used to do sit-ups and plank. It all started when I was in the Peace Corps. I didn't have TV then - well, I did, but it was in Russian and Armenian.

It certainly motivated me to do something. I would do 100 sit-ups, and worked my way up to 30 "girl" push-ups. (For the record, I do "real" push-ups now so I've made some progress. Turns out, you just have to do them, and eventually you can do more of them. It just takes time.)

It's so sporadic though these days. I still stretch almost every night. Occasionally I'll do push-ups. And when I feel like it, I do ab exercises.

If I committed to 20 sit-ups - crunches really, as my physical therapist told me I can't do full sit-ups with my awesome hips - it would make a difference. Rather than the 30 or 50 a week I end up doing when I'm sporadic about it, I would consistently do 140 sit-ups.

When you put it like that, 20 a day doesn't seem like so little. Chances are - and I shouldn't jinx it - I'll probably do more.

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