Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year’s Resolutions: Why Not a Resolution a Week?

New YearI was contemplating New Year’s resolutions the other day. I have never really been one to set a New Year’s resolution. Maybe it’s because I know I won’t fulfill it.

That said, I think humans need Jan. 1 each year. We need (or at least I do) something that symbolizes a chance to start over – to start fresh. We all need another try at that elusive goal.

My problem is that a year feels like a long time to work toward what is usually an overly ambitious or at least overwhelming or vague goal to start with. Lose 20 pounds? That sounds like a lot of work. Exercise every day? That might last a week. Be happy? That’s a universal challenge.

So I have a new idea: What if I try to hold myself to a resolution a week?

I know, I know – why would I want one a week if I can’t even handle one a year?

I think it could force me to think shorter-term and about much more palatable goals that can contribute to my overall health and well-being for the long-term.

For example, I could do 25 crunches a night for my first week’s resolution. Twenty-five crunches a night sounds like something I could do. It doesn’t even involve leaving my house. And I can do it in front of my TV; it will take less than a minute.

Maybe a month later, my week’s resolution is adding 10 crunches a night to my crunch routine.

Another idea: I could eat two pieces of fresh fruit a day. I already do this sometimes, just not consistently.

The question is: Can I actually have a (simple) resolution a week and keep all of them for the rest of the year? Sounds a little overwhelming if I think of it like that, so consider this my latest experiment.

If I back up a little and think of the bigger picture, the following weigh on my mind the most:
  • Staying fit.
  • Being happy & productive in my work.
  • Being more adventurous.
What little things can I add to my routine to make it more likely I will feel I am working toward those three big things in my life? We’ll see if this approach is any more successful than the annual approach was.

Starting Sunday, Jan. 5, I’ll kick off Week 1. Wish me luck!

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