Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Zucchini Galore: My Favorite Zucchini Recipes

Flowering Zucchini Plant2012 was the year I discovered vegetable gardening. And one of my more successful plants (it grows whether you want it to or not!) was zucchini - that is, until it took over the garden and I had to remove it. It was the main culprit in overcrowding my garden, resulting in a fungus on the zucchini plant’s leaves. (I treated it with neem oil, a surprisingly versatile substance.)

Note to self: Only plant one zucchini plant next year, and give it plenty of space!

Until my zucchini got a little crazy, I fully enjoyed the rewards of my harvest. What to do with all that zucchini? Fresh sliced zucchini, sautéed, salted and served with something grilled, it is always great.

Zucchini Harvest
But my two favorite recipes I made with the zucchini were zucchini muffins and zucchini lasagna, the latter with zucchini slices instead of pasta. Here’s the zucchini lasagna recipe. Try it! You won't miss the pasta.

The zucchini muffin recipe I use is from the Taste of Home website. Access the full zucchini muffin recipe. 

Alterations: I often add golden raisins. Craisins also work well in this recipe. Sometimes I’ll add the recommended chopped walnuts, but this recipe is good even if you exclude the raisins and walnuts.

As a side note, for baking, I often make everything gluten-free and another batch that’s gluten-full, so to speak. Thanks to the recommendation of a co-worker, I use Bella All-Purpose Baking Mix, which can be substituted 1:1 with all-purpose flour. It says something that my husband can't tell the difference. More about that transition in a different blog and how it has affected my diet.

The final result:
Zucchini Muffins

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