Saturday, January 7, 2012

40 by 40: No. 26 – Run a 5K in under 30 minutes

I’ve known I’ve wanted to run a 5K (that's 3.1 miles) in under 30 minutes for a long time now. I’ve been reluctant to add it to the list because I’m not sure I’m motivated enough to do it. Which oddly enough motivates me even more to focus. It makes me mad that in my adult life, I’ve not accomplished this relatively simple goal.

I get that 5K in under 30 minutes is not that fast. In fact, it’s a mental challenge for me. I’ll run most of a 5K, and in the last mile, I’ll complete putter out. Especially if it’s hot outside. I’m a horrible runner in the heat. I’m also slowed by my lack of competitiveness at a road race. Somehow knowing I’m not going to win and that I’m only competing against myself lowers my resolve to push past someone at the end. I should change that frame of mind.

This goal sounds like a physical one, and I’ll definitely need to take training seriously. But in the end, it’s a mental challenge that’s been nagging at me for years now.

It’s about time I take it on.

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