Monday, February 14, 2011

40 by (age) 40: Nos. 1-5

I was inspired recently by another blog where a woman was planning to complete 30 goals by the time she was 30. I'm taking it 10 further, and trying for 40 by age 40. After deciding to do this, of course, I realized that my next milestone age is 40. Even though I always claimed to believe that 40 was not "old," I now have mixed feelings. All the better reason to set some goals and ensure that I will not let my sense of adventure fade as I grow older. I have eight years to complete this list.

My first five items will include a few that I have already completed in my 30s. It's only fair to start with a sense of accomplishment, right?

No. 1: Complete a masters degree: done.
I received my diploma in the mail today making my MBA official. What a feeling.

No. 2: See a Beatle in concert: done.
I have been a Beatles fan since high school. George Harrison was always my favorite. Unfortunately, I did not get the opportunity to see him in concert before he passed in November 2001. When I heard Paul McCartney was coming to Denver last year, I purchased two tickets immediately. I was going to take my mom, who was probably flipping out on the receiving end of my initial email to her. But unfortunately it did not work out for her to see her childhood crush in concert. I took a friend, and we went and got lucky. Our seats were upgraded to about five rows back from the stage. It was by far the best concert I have ever been to. Paul still knows how to rock.

No. 3: Learn to defend myself.
I'm not a big fan of guns, which is unfortunate for my husband, as guns are a big hobby for him. I finally agreed to shoot a gun for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I do believe you should know how to handle one safely – especially if there are going to be guns in your house. But I learned two things from shooting with my husband:
  1. Guns are much harder to shoot than I expected. Needless to say, I did not hit the bulls-eye.
  2. Guns are also much louder than I expected. I jumped every time someone else at the range fired a gun. I don't see me mellowing on that any time soon.
Therefore, not surprisingly, I choose martial arts as my preferred method of self-defense. I plan to sign up sometime this year.

No. 4: Go to Italy.
This one requires no explanation.

No. 5: Return to Armenia with my husband.
It's been nearly 10 years since I arrived in Armenia for the Peace Corps, and nearly seven since I left. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time has gone. I miss my friends in Armenia terribly. Taking my husband will allow me to share this part of my life with someone from "home."

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