Sunday, March 6, 2011

40 by 40: Nos. 11-15

I have to admit, it's already getting hard to come up with new items to add to my growing list of goals to hit before I turn 40. It's making me think really hard about "what I've always wanted to do." So I will post my 40 by 40 to No. 20, and then take a break to really think about the next 20. Here's 11 through 15.

11. Learn to garden, as in, plant something, and successfully grow and harvest it.
I tend not to be good at plants. There's a reason why our home is filled with fake greenery. It's just easier. I've never been able to keep a plant alive. There are a few reasons for this: I forget to water, or I water too much. Or I just don't know what I'm doing ...

My experiment with growing basil last summer went well until I kept forgetting to water it. Lucky for me, basil is pretty hardy (or it must be) because every time it started drying up, and I would water it, it would bounce back. The thyme I planted next to the basil however never stood a chance. This is how the two plants looked immediately after purchase. They did not stay this green.
When I finally have space for a garden I will need to choose a small number of easy plants to grow, and build from there. I'll avoid anything unruly like mint that sprawls out and grows wherever it wants.

12. Play a golf game of 100 on a par 72 18-hole course.
Is this reasonable? I'm sure it is before I turn 40. I'm hoping to accomplish this in fewer years, however. I will be joining a women's league this year, and taking some golf lessons. In the very short time I've been playing – I just got golf clubs last year – I have done pretty well on my long game, and pretty horrible on my short game. I can get to the green in 3-4 strokes on an average hole, and then I blow it by taking 7 putts to get the ball in the hole. It's pretty pitiful.

13. Learn to climb. But not on real rocks.
I know, I know. This is sad. But I really have no desire to learn how to rock climb on actual rock. I have always wanted to learn how to climb in a climbing gym. It may be the equivalent of running on a treadmill, but I still think it sounds fun.

14. Watch the old James Bond films. Maybe drink a martini or two while doing so.
So many of my 40 by 40s have been lofty (or semi-lofty) goals. This one is pretty simple, and made even simpler by having Netflix on demand. The thing is, I've never see the old James Bond films, so I would argue this goal is a critical step in my cultural development. Not to mention I like any excuse to drink a martini. I foresee a James Bond marathon coming soon.

15. Learn chess well enough to beat someone.
Chess is surprisingly fun. I've gone through a couple of chess phases, and in none of them did I beat someone. My husband thinks I should aim to get good enough to play in a tournament. I think I'll start small and see if I can't beat him first. He's a good player, so that will be a challenge.

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