Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pruning? Not Yet

I’ve been pondering whether I should be pruning my perennials this winter – I have a lot of brown, dead-looking plants in my yard.

But according to at least one expert, it’s not time yet. And this expert’s in Florida, which  you know, isn’t exactly known for its cold spells.

Whatever you do, “Don’t prune your plants, yet,” said Carol Lord, a horticulturist with Escambia’s Agriculture extension agency. “All that dead matter is insulation for the roots,” she said “Pruning will stimulate new growth and that will make the plants susceptible to future freezes.”

I have to assume that that advice applies here in colder climates as well.

Anyway, if you’re interested in learning more, read the article

Here’s a nice feature from Better Homes and Gardens on what to prune and when.

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Resolution a Week: Week 3 – Clean One Room a Week

DammvippaI moved into a new house nearly two years ago now. The house is much larger than my old condo. The thought of cleaning every inch of the house is always overwhelming.

That’s right, I’m admitting I’m not exactly a clean freak.

My resolution this week is to clean more. I know that seems a little silly. And really, just one room a week? It does seem a little weak. To be clear, I mean really clean one room that is actually used.

That said, who knows? Maybe more than one room will get deep-cleaned a week. Maybe I’ll get on a roll.

I’m thinking it will push me to be more organized, which is something that I want to do better with this year.

It will also help me not feel so guilty about that fake plant I’ve been meaning to dust or my less-than-organized clothes drawers.

And to be clear, it’s not like I’ll let the rest of the house go to waste.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Gardening Wish List for 2014

As I sit around my house, tapping my feet, waiting for January to come to an end so I can start preparing to start seeds, I find myself thinking about the fun new garden accessories I want this year.

I realize my list is really simple, but I am very practical about things - as I'm only in my third year of gardening. Yet I have realized how much of a nerd I am when it comes to gardening, I am excited no matter how vanilla my list.

Here are five:

1. Tomato Cages
So simple, I know, but I love the fact the cages linked above are square, and not cone-shaped like a lot of tomato supports. They also appear to be much stronger than those I’ve used in the past. My tomatoes always get much higher than I expect – a good thing I think – and more unruly than I expect. So having a stronger cage is worth paying a little more. And with my plans for increasing my tomato yield significantly this year, I need a consistent support.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Around the Web: Gardens Helping People

I love hearing stories about communities that have built gardens to empower different parts of their populations.

Like this community garden focused on helping the Burmese refugee population. 

I also like hearing about gardens as an outlet for those who need one, as well as a way to build skills that can be marketable, such as landscaping.

Like this prison that is implementing a garden project in partnership with Planting Justice and the Insight Garden Program

Here’s an old video of the San Quentin prison garden program:

San Quentin Prison Garden from Emily Bender on Vimeo.

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Resolution a Week: Week 2 - Take 2 Days Off from TV a Week

Radionette TV set
Not my real TV
Life these days consists of going to work, coming home at roughly 6 p.m., making dinner and sitting in front of the TV and watching "our shows." After all, as my husband says, they don't watch themselves.

If I'm lucky, I get up off the couch and go running at the gym.

But given that it's winter, it's difficult to say the least to get the willpower to do so.

Alas, this post is not about where to get that willpower. But I'm hoping my second resolution in my Resolution a Week for 2014 plan will help.

A Resolution a Week: The Challenge of Willpower When Your Workout Buddy Has None

It was only the first week of my grand Resolution a Week for 2014, and I've already failed. I even got new running shoes, and yet I only ran twice, rather than the three times I had aimed for.

I blame two things:
  • My husband
  • TV
I know that I'm just making excuses. It's not really my husband's fault I didn't run three times last week.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Resolution a Week: Week 1 – Run 3X a Week

After beating my goal time of 30 minutes in a 5K,
thanks to running a regular, better planned
running routine this fall. Time to get back to that!
Last week, I outlined my desire to take a new approach to New Year’s resolutions.

The idea is to introduce a new resolution a week, all of which will contribute to one of the following three broader goals:

  • Staying fit.
  • Being happy & productive in my work.
  • Being more adventurous.
The idea is to tackle a simple and realistic resolution each week, rather than say broadly “get healthy” or “lose weight.” I’ll then build on that week after week and hopefully feel like I’m more fit, happier and more adventurous at the end of the year than I was at the start of it.

I’m going to start my nontraditional approach to New Year’s resolutions with a kind of cliché resolution: exercise.

For my first week, I am going to recommit to running three times a week.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

3 Things I Learned from My Newbie Garden in 2013

In the spirit of taking stock in the new year, I've given some thought to one of my newest hobbies: gardening.

At the risk of a little bit of cheese, here are three lessons I took from my gardening experience in 2013:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year’s Resolutions: Why Not a Resolution a Week?

New YearI was contemplating New Year’s resolutions the other day. I have never really been one to set a New Year’s resolution. Maybe it’s because I know I won’t fulfill it.

That said, I think humans need Jan. 1 each year. We need (or at least I do) something that symbolizes a chance to start over – to start fresh. We all need another try at that elusive goal.

My problem is that a year feels like a long time to work toward what is usually an overly ambitious or at least overwhelming or vague goal to start with. Lose 20 pounds? That sounds like a lot of work. Exercise every day? That might last a week. Be happy? That’s a universal challenge.

So I have a new idea: What if I try to hold myself to a resolution a week?

I know, I know – why would I want one a week if I can’t even handle one a year?